Import SpatialDM as::

import spatialdm as sdm


The spatialdm.datasets module provides functions for loading and accessing spatial transcriptomics datasets. The following datasets are currently available:

  • dataset.melanoma(): Sample 1 rep 2 human melanoma slide from Thrane’s melanoma dataset.

  • dataset.SVZ(): Mouse sub-ventricular zone (SVZ) from Eng’s seqfish+ dataset.

  • dataset.A1(): Adult colon with colorectal cancer or IBD, pcw: Adult.

  • dataset.A2(): Adult colon with colorectal cancer or IBD, pcw: Adult.

  • dataset.A3(): Fetal colon, pcw: 12PCW.

  • dataset.A4(): Fetal colon, pcw: 19PCW.

  • dataset.A6(): Fetal small intestine, pcw: 12PCW.

  • dataset.A7(): Fetal small intestine, pcw: 12PCW.

  • dataset.A8(): Fetal small intestine, pcw: 12PCW.

  • dataset.A9(): Fetal small intestine, pcw: 12PCW.


To use the spatialdm.datasets module, simply import it as follows:

from spatialdm.datasets import dataset

Then, you can load a dataset using the corresponding function. For example, to load the melanoma dataset:

adata = dataset.melanoma()

This will return an anndata object containing the expression data for the melanoma dataset in .X, the cell type decomposition values in .obs, and the spatial coordinates in .obsm[‘spatial’].